Thursday, August 27, 2020
Finance and Mortgage Broking System
Queston: Talk about the Finance and Mortgage Broking System. Answer: Presentation It is of incredible substance for Fergus and Natalie to know the specific procedure of acquisition of their property and to realize the specific limitations to do as such. They have to get sufficient wellsprings of assets so as to buy their individual property. In light of this, they have to know the way toward getting a monetary credit so as to buy their particular property. Credits and home loan can be considered as a wellspring of store for each person. With the assistance of money related advance, Fergus and Natalie can satisfy their budgetary needs with the assistance of these wellsprings of assets. In any case, them two need to unveil every one of their advantages and liabilities so as to guarantee the administrations of money related advance. Aside from this, it is of incredible quintessence for them two to reveal their precise money related status (Liu 2015). In the event that they neglected to do as such, at that point, they can't guarantee the administrations of money related advance. Aside from this, they likewise keep a mind the drifting financing costs, in light of which they can guarantee the administrations of the given credit. Various alternatives accessible There are a few choices accessible for both Fergus and Natalie so as to choose the best type of monetary advance. They can pick money related credit against some type of home loan or they can utilize money security as a store. Notwithstanding, the best option for them is to have a home loan of their property against this credit. This might be considered as unsafe; in any case, it can assist them with meeting their fluid costs like installment of enthusiasm of advance (De Silva et al. 2015). Method to initiate for an advance The above all else step is that the customers need to gather an application for credit from their individual money related organization. Aside from this, they have to furnish all their particular reports alongside their application structure. From that point forward, they have to sit tight for their individual endorsement for credit. In the event that their credit is affirmed, they have to gather all the legitimate data, similar to terms and conditions, time of intrigue installment from the particular budgetary organization. The essential obligation of the customers Fergus and Natalie is to give all the vital reports to their money related foundation, while gaining the credit. Aside from this, they ought not give any bogus or miss-driving supporting reports that may drop their application. The state income may originate from the intrigue installment that Fergus and Natalie will pay against their monetary advance. The customers can utilize their property in any issue they need. They have full influence to do as such. Be that as it may, they can't auction their property without clearing their advance installments (Morgan, Regis and Salike 2015). Ends It is suggested that the customers ought to have an away from of the whole procedure of securing their property. They have to uncover all the budgetary data. By doing this, they can secure their property inside a predefined period and satisfy all their particular targets. References De Silva, A.J., Boymal, J., Potts, J. also, Thomas, S., 2015. The Residential Mortgage (De) regulationInnovation nexus. Dietrich, A., 2016. What Drives the Gross Margins of Mortgage Loans? Proof from Switzerland. Diary of Financial Services Research, 50(3), pp.341-362. Liu, H., 2015. Building the GFC: Australian financial pioneers during the monetary emergency. Administration, 11(4), pp.424-450. Morgan, P., Regis, P.J. what's more, Salike, N., 2015. Advance to-Value Policy as a Macroprudential Tool: The Case of Residential Mortgage Loans in Asia. Ozel, B., Nathanael, R.C., Raberto, M., Teglio, A. what's more, Cincotti, S., 2016. Macroeconomic ramifications of home loan advances necessities: an operator based methodology (No. 2
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership and Team innovation Management †
Question: Examine about the Leadership and Team development Management. Answer: Presentation: Transformational administration model in my view descries authority style where the pioneer works inseparably with its auxiliary staffs in order to recognize issues that need change. As a transformational pioneer, I make dreams which guide such changes by motivating my supporters. Further, I generally present with a point of improving inspiration, confidence and expanding work execution of my supporters (Eisenbeiss et al., 2008). My alluring worth utilizes different instruments to acquaint confidence and inspiration with the hirelings including utilization of multicultural characters inside a bound together society. These instruments incorporate expanding connection to their workers by associating their feeling of personality, going about as their good example to rouse them building up their advantage and understanding the qualities and shortcomings of their adherents. This makes me to viably coordinate with the adherents enthusiasm causing them to improve their presentation. Qualities and estimations of transformational administration model As a transformational pioneer, I am generally genuine and show significant levels of uprightness. Something I remembers that pioneers who are a harmonious demonstration in amicability with their qualities and convictions. Thusly, I am relied upon to do walk the discussion and talk the walk. Furthermore, have made it a propensity to be prepared to tune in to each worry and claims from my workers and comprehend their requests. This is typically accomplished by focusing on the individuals and watching their tonal varieties without disturbing them while talking. I additionally give significant inputs to address the requests and claims from those whom they lead (Bass, 2006). The other worth that I show is compassion to my hirelings. This worth empowers me to comprehend people groups aims and viewpoints towards a specific concern. Thusly, I do see each recommendation to be significant and important to be placed into thought. Accordingly, transformational initiative has liberality while tending to adherents. In addition, this model of initiative for the most part utilizes influence as opposed to legitimate order in tending to the devotees. With this, I can intend to assemble solidarity and agreement among various individuals. Likewise, I utilize a few devices of influence to accomplish this without harming the relationship and solidarity of the adherents (Schneider, 2002). The utilization of this model empowers me to be equipped for developing my association by reestablishing trust among my supporters essentially by the utilization of abilities, aptitudes, and information. I am equipped for creating results and greatness execution. As per the transformational authority model, the qualities of a viable pioneer are excitement, genuineness, objective arranged and appealling. To decide the qualities and estimations of transformational pioneers To decide the impact of transformational administration model To comprehend the idea of transformational administration model As indicated by the ongoing examinations, the transformational model of authority is every now and again connected with a ton of positive results when contrasted with other administration models, for example, value-based and free enterprise model. This is on the grounds that when I exhibit transformational initiative I have a superior potential for success of improving the worker efficiency as they are typically associated with different exercises, for example, dynamic procedures which help to drive the association towards achieving its prosperity. Value-based initiative model for example significantly centers around the utilization of remunerations and disciplines in the treatment of their adherents (Gumusluoglu and Ilsev, 2009). Accordingly, this administration model neglects to be compelling in the administration of its supporters and representatives as some work under tension because of the dread of getting rebuffed if not remunerated. The transformational model looks towards rol ling out future improvements which completely obliges the adherents interests. In this way, my supporters do feel propelled and cooperate towards objective achievement. In the other case, value-based authority just looks to keep up their the norm with no vision of concentrating on future. Thusly, I see transformational authority model as happier than free enterprise model. In laissez reasonable, people are normally allowed administration seats without having initiative aptitudes and abilities. This leaves the supporters to be in a situation for self-drive and direction. In this manner, my transformational administration model is situated to positive results, the free enterprise is generally exposed to a great deal of negative results with respect to devotee fulfillment and compelling authority. Advantages of transformational authority model to an authoritative connection Transformational authority model much of the time is related with appealling administration faculty which can cause the subordinates staffs to feel spurred and personate about the achievement of the organization. Hence, the advantages of the model are typically prominent in different perspectives as examined underneath (Gumusluoglu and Ilsev, 2009). Transformational pioneers are consistently equipped for drawing in their adherents in a joint cooperation. In this way, I am required to use the seven foundations of cooperation. In such endeavors, I ought to consistently be responsible for the occasions of my devotees. Group setting ought to be accomplished with the point of assuming each liability of the groups conclusive outcomes. Because of the way that transformational pioneers are normal such a great amount on the line, I ought to be incredibly persuaded to keep up the cooperative efforts for my supporters. Moreover, I am relied upon to manager my adherents for by relegating them different assignments and giving assets to adequately accomplish their objectives. Morals do assume a significant job in transformational authority. As a pioneer, I am consistently in steady rationale to change my corporates values to reflect progressively human gauges of decency and equity. What's more, I do share characteristics that spin around the great morals, feelings and qualities that impact the devotees. Thus, they are constantly enlivened with the pioneers. To me, morals is consistently the code of genuineness to us and to our association. Nonetheless, the degree of morals may change concerning what we are habituated to. It is the ethical direct that characterizes the character of a person being referred to. Hence, transformational pioneers part themselves with great moral behaviors. To talk about Transformational initiative model, I am ready to utilize various convictions in the hierarchical vision and mission to motivate my staff individuals and different workers. This, thusly, causes the staff to be progressively beneficial and move in the direction of accomplishing the associations set objectives and accomplishments. The thought behind the transformational administration is that I can discover all the approaches to get the whole work staff ready for a corporate methodology and arranging (Wang et al., 2011). When the whole authoritative staff is on one level, they can cooperate with a dream to achieve a shared objective for the association/business. With Transformational initiative model I can control a few hierarchical supervisors towards the future activity of the association. In that line of figured, I can give the directors future vision and systems to arrive at that vision. Accordingly, they likewise become transformational directors with thoughts and dreams for the companys future that they endeavor to accomplish all together. Likewise, I do have the capability of connecting with the authoritative staffs and bringing the best out of them. In more often than not, I do invest my energy with the representatives attempting to look for approaches to improve the working conditions and work a lot simpler (Sarros and Santora, 2001). Such individual consideration creates a solid bond between the hierarchical administration and the representatives and in that capacity, the workers turnover is enormously decreased. The development of an association is exclusively subject to the administrative procedure. Along these lines, transformational authority model gives me the stages to personally engaged with the staff and the development of their industry. Close contact with the organization staff likewise quickens the development of an organization. Segments of transformational initiative model This sort of initiative model which has vision, motivation, brave, attentive and chance taking attributes are typically found almost in each branch of an effective association. The segments of transformational authority empowers me to have moxy and be fit for changing how my association works for a superior result as appeared in the figure 1. One of the critical establishments for transformational authority model to me is the capacity to move my adherents. All things considered, I do advance steady dreams, missions, and qualities for my devotees which constrain them to motivation. Additionally, I do direct my devotees by giving them their feeling of having a place. In that capacity, they take the commitment and the test to themselves to associate and convey their obligations with eagerness to drive the soul of collaboration (Wang et al., 2011). As respects to transformational administration, I much of the time empower my supporters on the new thoughts that they have ready. What's more, I don't generally censure the supporters openly as this would dampen them. Accusing my devotees diminishes resolve and in this way I significantly put their fixation on the arrangement towards the issue More, I am consistently mindful of my capacities to impact the devotees. All things considered, I do satisfy my words and guarantees since lion's share of them consider me to be their good example. The principle thought behind my impact is the way that I do realize how to win the trust and regard from my adherents. In keeping up such trusts, I should consistently show high moral direct and penance my own needs to the individuals. Individualized thought Here, I am required to go about as a coaches to my devotees and may pay them to award for being imaginative or developing. Luckily, the devotees are normally tre
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cancer patients and results of radiations Essay
Disease patients and consequences of radiations - Essay Example The essential sorts of malignant growth medicines incorporate medical procedure, chemotherapy and radiation. Biologic, hormone and focused on treatments additionally exist. Medical procedure includes the expulsion of carcinogenic tissue or tumor. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy then again, are non-obtrusive. Radiation treatment is utilized to treat malignancy cells that are confined, while chemotherapy is utilized to treat disease cells that are not, at this point limited and have spread to different pieces of the body. In radiation treatment, patients are exposed to high-vitality radiation to murder malignancy cells and therapist tumors (National Cancer Institute I). Basic sorts of radiations utilized in this treatment incorporate gamma beams, charged particles and X-beams. The radiation could be conveyed remotely or inside. Around half of all malignancy patients experience some type of radiation treatment during their treatment (National Cancer Institute I). Radiation treatment harms the DNA of disease cells so as to slaughter them. While radiation treatment is utilized to execute malignancy cells, it might likewise harm ordinary cells, bringing about genuine symptoms. Chemotherapy includes the utilization of solid medications controlled orally or through infusion. Like radiation treatment, chemotherapy likewise has genuine symptoms relying upon the length of the treatment, the kinds of medications taken and the measure of dose managed. A portion of the reactions incorporate heaving, queasiness, male pattern baldness, weakness and expanded odds of contaminations (American Cancer Society 11). So also, the symptoms of radiation treatment rely upon the body territory being dealt with, measurements managed every day, all out dose given, general ailment and different medicines that are being directed simultaneously (National Cancer Institute x). It can cause both early and late reactions. Early (intense) reactions are those that happen during the treatment while late
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
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Friday, May 15, 2020
The United States Of America Elected A New President Essay
On November 9, 2016 the United States of America elected a new president. Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College and will take office on January 20, 2017. However, the president elect lost the popular vote by more than 1.5 million votes (MSNBC, 2016). Although this was already the case when George W. Bush won against Al Gore in 2000, the country is now more dividend than in the past. One week after the election was over, 1000 students at Syracuse University protested against Mr. Trump and declared that they â€Å"reject†the president elect (Daily Orange, 2016). Nationwide, protesters conveyed the unique message that they are ready to disobey executive actions of a Trump administration. This poses a general question. What role should obedience play in modern western nations? Although autonomous obedience can unleash valuable group dynamics, extreme compulsory obedience can lead to disastrous outcomes. History indicates that obedience in the context of a nation is most succe ssful when people see substantial reasons to obey the orders of a government and its subdivisions. During World War II the American military defeated fascism on various geographical fronts. Although it was not mandatory to serve in the US military, many volunteers were ready to fight for American values like individual freedom and democracy. This created what Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth H. Wenker calls autonomous obedience (Walker, 1981). According to the Professor of Philosophy at the US Air-Force Academy,Show MoreRelatedWhat Does Donald Trump Can Become The `` Make America Great Again Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Make America Great Again†has been the slogan that President-elected Donald Trump has used throughout his campaign. The â€Å"Make America Great Again†is a campaign slogan used in American politics that originated with Ronald Reagan campaign in the 1980s. 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His life began on January 30th of the year 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. Family was not so big. He had both of his parents. His parents were Sara Delano and James Roosevelt. Roosevelt did have only one sibling he was a half-brother named James Roosevelt. His mother passed away when he was 59 and his father passed away when he was 18. Roosevelt was home schooled until 1896 by the school Groton School in Massachusetts. He attendedRead MorePresident Harry S. Truman762 Words  | 4 PagesResearch Paper President Harry S. Truman wasn’t only just a president, he was a US army soldier, a democratic senator, presiding judge, and a vice president. Before his presidency, he fought in World War 1. Recapping his roles before the presidency, once the war ended, Truman got discharged from the army and then went to attend Kansas City school of law. This is when he was on the road to becoming president. In 1933 Franklin d Roosevelt was elected 32nd president. Harry S. got elected presiding judge
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Physical Activity Essay - 1229 Words
Physical Activity is undeniably good for everyone, not only does it keep you fit and healthy but when started at a young age, it can set up good habits for life. Sometimes however, people do not take care of their physical wellbeing, resulting in obesity and other eating disorders which can be detrimental to their health. Obesity is the condition of being seriously overweight. It is now considered a global health epidemic by the World Health Organization (2000) (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Physical activity is important to children in the middle childhood age group because a staggering amount of children have become overweight in the last few decades and teachers play a role in preventing obesity by becoming a positive role model,†¦show more content†¦It is because of this high level of cognitive function that physical activity and nutrition are extremely important (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). They affect the child’s physical wellbeing in terms of energy levels, growth and the ability to concentrate (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). As children grow they continue to need physical activity. One of the methods of exercise that is popular with children in the middle childhood age is rough and tumble play or ‘play fighting’ (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Unfortunately, this sort of play is often discouraged by schools because of the possibility that someone may become injured. (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Teachers must find the balance between protecting children from getting hurt and allowing them to run and jump to release the copious amounts of energy that they have to burn (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Another unfortunate hindrance to physical activity in schools is the notion that physical activity takes away from time that could be used for academic studies. This is unjustified however, because children of this age group are unable to sit and concentrate for long periods of time without being able to get up and move (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Teachers can play a large role when it comes to addressing and preventing obesity. Because children spend such a large portion of their time with the teacher, it is the teacherShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Physical Activity Essay1545 Words  | 7 PagesThe teaching profession plays a fundamental role in educating children. Some of which include physical activity Teachers engage in many roles in student’s learning, some of which are more challenging and important than others and all which contribute to a child’s development. The process of childhood development is dynamic, recognised by various fields including the influential society, inherited characteristics through genetics, and the psychological behaviour of the child. These fields all playRead MoreThe Importance Of Physical Activity And Its Emphasis1170 Words  | 5 PagesThe Importance Physical Activity and its Emphasis in schools Our lives are very busy with many activities to the point where we neglect our health. Over time the neglect results in various diseases and illnesses. In order to avoid this from happening, we need to make physical activity part of our lifestyle from an early age. Physical activity has many benefits while many young people of the future are still in school. According to the CDC, Center for Disease Control regular physical activity helpsRead MoreThe Importance Of Physical Activity And Nutrition1618 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstand the importance of physical activity and nutrition. Exercise and diet play a major role in contributing to health and quality of life. â€Å"Not only is 1 in every 8 Americans older than 65 years, but a person aged 65 can expect to live an average of 18 more years (Drewnowski, 2001).†The fact that people are living longer involves many factors, however, taking care of ourselves is an essential one. While each of the two are vital together they also go in depth individually. First, physical activityRead MoreThe Importance Of Physical Activity For Our Youth1353 Words  | 6 PagesIn order to live a healthy lifestyle, we need to promote the importance of physical activity for our youth. This would correlate to the regular engagement in physical activities that enhance cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscle endurance and muscle strength (HBO PA-2). It has become more and more common for today’s youth to sit in front of a TV or computer for hours on end rather than spend any time outside. Childhood obesity rates have skyrocketed and with that so has the commonalityRead More importance of physical activity in youths Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pages The Importance of Physical Activity in Adolescence nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Engaging in physical behavior during adolescence is very important to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and illness in the future. There are many other positive benefits that come through the form of exercise. Just as well, thereRead MoreThe Importance Of Recess And Time For Physical Activity2233 Words  | 9 Pagesunstructured physical activity time from the school day can have a serious impact on children’s health and well-being. Recess and time for physical activity is not only important to the overall health of children, it also provides an outlet that helps with the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. In addition, it is also common for recess to be taken away from students who misbehave. Unfortunately, it is these types of students who benefit most from recess, the physical activity, andRead MoreThe Importance Of Physical Activity For Special Needs1374 Words  | 6 PagesTycen Biggs Mrs. Johnson Research Paper The Importance of Physical Activity for Special Needs Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy. For special needs, it is even more important exercise and to get around. Exercise affects them by enabling them to learn new things that could help them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Strengthening those attributes could improve their skills and help them learn in different ways. Physical activity is very crucial for special needs to help improveRead MoreThe Importance Of Recess And Time For Physical Activity2227 Words  | 9 Pagesunstructured physical activity time from the school day can have a serious impact on children’s health and well-being. Recess and time for physical activity is not only important to the overall health of children, it also provides an outlet that helps with the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. In addition, it is also common for recess to be taken away from students who misbehave. Unfortunately, it is these types of students who benefit most from recess and the physi cal activity andRead MoreImportance Of Physical Activity Is Important For A Healthy Lifestyle1290 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical activity is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Peter Figueroa developed a framework to analyse racism within a society. In particular, when he looked at at how equity and access to society’s resources are affected by a person’s race. This is certainly relevant as people’s access and equity towards sports can be analysed through Figueroa’s Framework. There are five levels that make up Figueroa’s Framework. These five levels are cultural, structural, institutional, interpersonalRead MoreImproving The Public On The Importance Of Nutritional Meals And Physical Activity1952 Words  | 8 PagesPurpose Statement Our team will launch a community-wide campaign focusing on educating the public on the importance of nutritional meals and physical activity (PA) in children’s daily lives. Our campaign will begin with mini-events held throughout our local school system. These mini-events build up to our main event, â€Å"Health and Fun Day†. All our events will educate our community in a fun and interactive way. Children must be convinced that eating well, reducing screen time and participating
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Leadership Research Leadership Quarterly
Question: Describe about the Strategic Leadership Research of Leadership Quarterly? Answer: Introduction Leadership is highly essential to businesses in the modern day business environment because it is the efficient leadership capabilities of leaders that decide the overall success of the organisation. However, in understanding the effectiveness of leadership, it is essential to evaluate different important approaches to leadership that are available to leaders in performing the management of their business activity. With the passage of time, there have been different important leadership styles and approaches that have emerged. An analysis of such different leadership style and approach would prove to be highly efficient in understanding the effectiveness of leadership as practiced. Apart from this, the human resource manager of an organisation is responsible for performing the management of different important areas of an organisation. One of the important areas that is performed by human resource management is the preparation of job description. This is an important activity by the human resource manager of an organisation (Boal and Hooijberg, 2001). This report is aimed at analysing different important leadership approaches to leadership. The analysis not only evaluates different such approaches to leadership, but it discusses the circumstances under which different approach can be utilised. Apart from this, the report also includes the preparation of job description for the job of senior chemical engineer. Based on the entire analysis, the findings would be summarised in the conclusion section of this report. Different Approaches to the Study of Leadership Leadership is an important way of performing the management of an organisation. However, in practising efficient leadership, an analysis of the existing literature suggests that there are different important approaches that are being followed for the purpose of efficiently practising leadership by leaders. Northouse (2011) has indicated about the different approaches to leadership that have been popular and followed across organisations. These are identified as trait approach to leadership, behavioural approach, situational approach, relational approach, new leadership approach and emerging approach. These approaches to leadership have gained popularity in different time periods. As for example, the trait approach to leadership has been in practice since 1900s and this is followed by the importance gained by the behavioural approach during 1940s. The situational approach to leadership was practices since 1970s. The other approaches such as relational, new leadership and emerging appr oaches to leadership have gained popularity recently in 1990s and 2000 (Hunt, 1999). An analysis of these leadership approaches along with the situations in which they could be applied is performed as follows: Trait Approach: This has been the oldest and most significant approach to leadership. This particular approach to leadership looks for the important traits as possessed by leaders such as physical, mental or personality traits. The innate qualities as possessed by leaders are primarily considered in respect to this trait approach to leadership. The leaders possess certain specific traits that make them different from others. As for example, Steve Jobs was known for his charisma, as his ability to articulate his vision made people to follow him. Leaders possess specific traits which make them different, and these could be in terms of adaptability, extraversion, dominance, self-confidence, adjustment, conservatism, integrity, flexibility, stability and many more. The specific abilities allow leaders in handling different complex situations efficiently (Barbuto, 2005). Behavioural Approach: This is another approach to leadership that has been extensively popular within leaders, and this particular approach to leadership is self-explanatory, as it explains that the focus has been towards the behaviour of leaders i.e. what leaders do and how they react and take decisions and actions. By studying the specific behaviour of leaders, it could be possible to identify the best predictor of his/her leadership influences and this lead to the identification of best determinants of his/her leadership success. There are two broad categories of behaviour as identified such as task oriented leaders and people oriented leaders. The task oriented leaders are concerned with structuring the roles and responsibilities for their subordinates whereas the people oriented leaders are concerned with employee feelings and treatments to employees. Situational Leadership Approach: Situational leadership is another important approach to leadership, and this approach to leadership indicates that different situations demand different types of leadership to be practiced. Situational approach to leadership has been refined positively since their evolution and it include important theories of leadership such as path goal theory and contingency theory. The path goal theory indicates the ways in which leaders perform the employment of motivational strategy in enhancing the performance of employees, and thereby in achieving the goals. Contrary to this, the contingency theory is concerned with matching the leadership style with that of the specific situational variables. As per this situational leadership approach to managing followers, there can be different ways in which leaders can perform the management of their followed depending on the situation. There can be different leadership styles possible on the basis of situation and these could be supporting, coaching, directing, and delegating (Judge and Piccolo, 2004). Relational Approach: Relational approach to leadership is an important approach to performing the management of followers. In this approach to managing followers, there has been specific element being paid attention by leader while trying to manage their followers. In addition to focusing on traits, characters and functions, the leaders in this relational approach pays adequate attention towards building up relations with the followers so that they can be utilised positively in meeting out the goals that are expected out of them. This relational approach therefore pays attention towards an additional factor in performing the management of followers within organisation (Kahreh, Ahmadi and Hashemi, 2011). New Leadership Approach: The new leadership approach has started gaining importance since 1980s and this approach accounts for the application of most recent theories in leadership that are popular within modern day leaders. An analysis indicates that this leadership approach accounts for the development of transformational leadership theory which has been highly applied by the modern day leaders in performing their role and responsibilities within organisations. The transformational leadership theory as emerged is mainly because of such new leadership theory. This new leadership approach has been highly relevant during 1990s and during that time, there has been various such transformational leaders being originated that were responsible for transforming the entire organisations. The best examples in this respect can be the CEO of Apple Steve Jobs, as Jobs brought revolution in the computing industry during 1990s. His transformational abilities are the best example of this new leader ship approach being highly popular during this period (Goethals and Sorenson, 2007). Emerging Leadership Theory: This approach to leadership development indicates the leadership practices that are being undertaken in the 21st century business environment. The emerging approach to leadership indicates that there are diverse range of approaches that are considered by the leaders in performing their responsibilities in the modern day organisations. The modern day leaders are required to be highly intelligent in managing their followers because they are mainly from diverse backgrounds and at the same time, the modern day leaders are responsible for performing diverse range of activities as a part of their primary goals. They need to work in a highly advanced environment condition that requires the application of advanced technological systems and more. They are not only required to manage employees, but the emerging leaders need to maintain the growth of the organisation with that of the external environment. There has been huge responsibility being evident on the modern day leaders and as a result, they are required to make use of diverse application of their skills and abilities in discharging their roles and responsibilities in an efficient manner (Ireland and Hitt, 2005). Circumstances when Leadership Approaches can be Implemented: As analysed above, there are different approaches to leadership that are being practiced by leaders. However, in respect to their applicability is concerned, they can be applied across different circumstances. As for instance, the trait theory as analysed above implies that leaders possess specific traits which make them efficient over others. As a result, this leadership approach can be applied in situations when there is a need for specific actions requiring key talent application by the leader. As for example, a leader with the trait of creativity and innovation should be considered in situations where new innovative products are required from the organisation Apart from this, the behavioural leadership approach is suitable when an appropriate behaviour is required to be shown by the followers depending on the situations. As for example, a leader following the behavioural approach can change his/her behaviour when he/she visits different countries for business purpose. According to different cultures, changes to the behaviour can be undertaken to address the situation in a positive way (Cunningham and Harney, 2012). The relational approach is identified as suitable when the focus has been towards developing relations with the followers. As a result, the situation requiring a close relation or requiring personal attention of the leaders is considered as the most effective in applying this particular relational approach by the leader in handling the situation. The new leadership approach and the emerging leader approach are suitable in the modern day business environment situations whereby leaders have to manage various important aspects related to the business. As for example, the modern day leaders are required to perform large number of tasks including setting up of strategic goals, managing employees in getting them accomplished, follow up and many more. These types of circumstances requiring the application of multiple skills and abilities should be considered through the application of these emerging approaches to leadership. The situations requiring major change should also involve the appl ication of new leadership approach so that the goals could be positively accomplished (Emery and Barker, 2007). Preparation of Job Description This section of analysis is now aimed at preparing a job description based on the case scenario. The scenario as provided implies that the job description is required for the position of senior chemical engineer. Job description basically indicates about the task related roles and responsibilities that are required to be carried out by the responsible person appoint for a specific position. The information such as which the position reports, including the qualification of the person applied, skills needed, salary range and also the job roles that are required to be performed (DuBrin, 2011). In the given case, the job description for the position of senior chemical engineer is indicated as follows: Job Description for Senior Chemical Engineer Senior Chemical Engineer Reports to: Engineering Director Department: Engineering Department Date: 23-3-2015 Job Summary: The job of the senior chemical engineer is to perform the management of entire engineering department by managing all the activities such as coordination with senior managers and subordinates and getting the tasks done through supervisors. Essential Functions: As a part of the senior chemical engineer, the responsible person is required to perform the following major functions: To establish coordination with the senior management especially the engineering director of the company. To design and develop the policies and undertaking strategic decisions aimed at exploring new growth opportunities for business. To supervise the chemical engineers working in the company in getting the tasks accomplished as per strategic goals. To supervise the cost engineer and document controller by addressing their technical and general queries and assisting them in their tasks in achieving organisational goals. To look for achieving appropriate control of costs so that the operational efficiency could contribute towards improved achievement of the organisational goals. Description of Tasks in Detail: This position of senior chemical engineer is aimed at managing the entire engineering department of the organisation. There are wide number of chemical engineers that are already working across the organisation. So the task of the senior chemical engineer includes proper management of these chemical engineers as operating across the organisation. A proper coordination with them means that the senior manager is required to analyse their performance, identify any issues in their performances, resolve any identification of threats to the performance processes of such chemical engineers, assist them through applying his/her own technical knowledge so that customer queries can be addressed positively, and providing them adequate level of support so that they can achieve excellence in their performances (Lussier and Achua, 2009). Apart from providing assistance to the chemical engineers, the senior chemical supervisor is also responsible for handling cost engineer and document controllers. The responsibility is therefore to perform the management of all the areas related to the engineering department. The management of cost of operation is an important task and it should be performed with care to ensure overall organisations efficiency. As a result, the senior chemical manager is required to interact with the cost engineers and decides on strategies aimed at achieving overall reduction of the cost in performing its management. Apart from this, it is also essential that there should be appropriate level of documentation that should be maintained by the responsible personnel so that the growth and progress of the organisation can be efficiently traced. In this respect, the senior chemical engineer is also required to interact with the document controller in making it sure that the documents are properly maintai ned and well organised. In addition to coordinating with the controller department and also the chemical engineering supervisors, the position of senior chemical engineer requires the consideration of appropriate level of coordination with the senior management. Apart from achieving operational efficiency through coordinating with the managers at lower level, the senior management is also required to be consulted. They need to be properly informed about the performance conditions so that strategic decisions including the further expansion process could be further carried out. It is essential that the senior chemical engineer is required to report the performance and also to provide suggestions with respect to the areas that could further be enhanced. These are some of the responsibilities that are required to be performed by the senior chemical engineer of the organisation. Conclusion This report involved a critical analysis of the different approaches to performing the study of leadership and also the circumstances under which they could be applied. The performance of analysis revealed findings that there are various important leadership approaches that could be utilised by leaders in efficiently handling their followers. The most important ones as identified are mainly in terms of trait approach, behavioural approach, situational approach, relational approach, emerging and new leadership approach. The analysis has indicated that these approaches have gained relevance over the years, and trait approach to leadership was identified as the oldest approach to leading people. On the basis of analysis as performed, it has been evaluated that there are different situations under which these leadership approaches can be utilised. As for instance, when the focus has been towards maintaining personal relations in getting the tasks accomplished, the relational approach to leadership is highly efficient. Similarly, when specific behaviour is required to be followed, the behavioural approach is needed to consider. Thus, the analysis indicated that there are different approaches to leadership and they have their relevance across different situations. The job description has also been provided with respect to the role of senior chemical engineer and the roles and responsibilities of the senior managers are highlighted. References Boal, K.B. and Hooijberg, R. (2001), Strategic Leadership Research: Moving On, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 11 (4), pp.515-549. Barbuto, J.E. (2005), Motivation and Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Leadership: A Test of Antecedents. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 11(4): 216-235. Cunningham, J. and Harney, B. (2012), Strategy and Strategists, Oxford University Press. DuBrin, A.J. (2011), Essentials of Management, 9th ed., Cengage Learning. Emery, C.R. and Barker, K.J. (2007), The effect of transactional and Transformational leadership styles on the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of customer contact personnel. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 11(1): 77-90. Ercetin, S.S. (2012), Discussions About Leadership: In Different Fields, iUniverse. Goethals, G.R. and Sorenson, G.J. (2007), The Quest for a General Theory of Leadership, Edward Elgar Publishing. Hunt, J. G. (1999), Transformational/charismatic leadership's transformation of the field: An historical essay, The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2): 129-144. Ireland, R.D. and Hitt, M.A. (2005), Achieving and maintaining strategic competitiveness in the 21st century: The role of strategic leadership, Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 19 (4), pp. 63-77. Judge, T. A., and Piccolo, R. F. (2004), Transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic test of their relative validity, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5): 755-768. Kahreh, M.S., Ahmadi, H., and Hashemi, A. (2011), Achieving competitive advantage through empowering employees: An empirical study, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business,3(2): 26-37. Lussier, R.N. and Achua, C.F. (2009), Leadership: Theory, Application, Skill Development, 4th ed., Cengage Learning. Northouse, P.G. (2011), Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, SAGE.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Hip Hop an American Culture free essay sample
Hip-Hop Over the course of history music has been a center piece In every culture. Every genre of music can be linked to a specific culture or demographic group. Within that link one can look at music beyond the sound of It. Music can be seen as an emotion, an Inspiration, and a tool for communication. Wealth the last 50 years music has become a great unifier of diverse populations (www. Coupons. Due). This Is evident in the songs that are written by music artist and groups. Their songs express various societal problems that audiences are living with or can relate with.Music has also come a tool for communication to the masses of a certain demographics. This is extremely evident in the music genre hip-hop. Since the emergence of hip-hop in 1979, when the Sugar Hill Gang produced the enormously successful song entitled Rappers Delight (maw. Coupons. Due), hip-hop has become a dominant culture force in politics, and marketing by corporations. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop: an American Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Recently, hip-hop has become the playing field used by corporations to sell their products and services through hip-hop artist. Hip-hop has also recently become the arena for political issues to be addressed. Considering these two factors one must analyze the outcome of having loyalty and marketing Involved In the hip-hop culture. This analysis should determine whether or not the involvement of marketing and politics Is good for help- hops audience, which contains mostly young teenagers and adults. The effects of hip-hop being used in politics and marketing plays an important part in shaping the minds of these young teenagers and adults.This is because theyre involved in hip- hop on a daily basis. It is a culture that young teenagers and adults have come to adopt. A culture that shapes and molds their life in areas such as: their language, clothing, personality, and ideology. Some of the most important aspects that contribute to a culture are the products and services that are used amongst the members of the culture. In hip-hop culture the products that are associated with It are being mentioned In the songs of the hip-hop artist.This has been a normal routine of rhyming about the products or service artist use, ever since hip-hop groups from the asss Like Run-D. M. C. In their song entitled My Aids Now me and my Aids do the lilies things we like to stomp out pimps with diamond rings we slay all suckers who perpetrate and lay down law from state to state e travel on gravel, dirt road or street I wear my Aids when I rock the beat on stage front page every show I go its Aids on my feet high top or low My Aids.. My AidsTo artist of today Like Newly In his song entitled Alarm Force Ones [Chorus] I said give me two pair So I can get to stomping in my air force ones (Big boys) stomping in my air force ones [Newly] I like the all white high top strap with the gum bottom (Big boy) theres something bout deem thats dirty why I got me (Big boy) I leave um strapped and laced and come up out um (Big boy) the last person that touched um I been shot um, (big boy) Hip-hop artist have been known to flaunt about what shoes are on their feet, what car they are driving in, and what alcoholic beverage theyre getting tipsy off of.One of the most widely know songs that portrays alcohol is the chorus in Snoop Doggy Dogs Gin And Juice, Rolling down the street smoking end sipping on gin n Juice Laid backwith my mind on my money and my money on my mind While early hip-hop artist rapped about products and services but were against becoming an icon for companies products and services, the artist of today are doing t he exact opposite. Before only athletes were getting endorsements and shoe contracts, now hip-hop artist have Joined athletes in endorsement deals.This is because companies have seen how the younger generation has responded to hip- hop and how theyve begun to purchase the products and services of hip-hop. Through doing this, hip-hop has become the new marketing tool for various corporations to attract a younger consumer base to purchase their products and services. Just recently hip-hop artist are receiving shoe contracts, clothing lines, and various other endorsements from industries that were against the hip-hop genre, ND culture.Artist like 50 cent (Curtis Jackson) and Jay-Z (Sean Carter) have landed big deals with shoe companies, theirs being Rebook. In 50 cents song entitled Stunt 101 he mentions his shoe deal with Rebook, As long as the VS. blind, look at that light show In the hood they say Fifty man your sneaker look white you Just cant believe Rebook did a deal with a psycho Somehow hip-hop has survived even the craziest commercialism, but hip-hop is the ultimate capitalist tool (George 155-156). The emergence of hip-hop as a marketing tool is far from being a burden on hip-hop culture.Through using hip- hop, products and services offered by companies have become appealing to younger viewers. The only way for the companies to attract younger consumers is to associate their product or service with what the younger consumers can identify with, that being hip-hop and its artists. While some companies may shy away from being associated with a culture often marked by misogyny and violence, it is undeniable that hip-hop wields immeasurable power and influence in business.Inspirational in some respects and now synonymous with youth culture in many corners of the world, IP-hop has long been credited with or criticized for having an impact on everything from clothing to cars (www. CNN. Com). From flipping through pages in a then he/she is more likely to stop and pay attention to what the product or service is just because the artist is endorsing it. The companies cant be blamed for this tactic, because their sole basis is to generate profit, and hip-hop is the best way for them to do so. Hip-hop has not only begun to dominate the marketing world, but hip-hop has also become a concerning factor in regards to politics. Just recently politicians have gun to reach out to the youth of the nation via hip-hop. In the last presidential election the hip-hop culture has seen more attention from politicians than ever before. Hip-hop artist are starting to become more involved in political issues, seen in Kenya Wests Bush hates black people shenanigans on live television. Hip-hop artist are leading key campaigns to get hip-hop fans and young voters to the polls.MET launched a Rock the Vote and Choose Or Loose campaign, with a Declare Yourself motto to reach out to young voters. Also, prominent artist such as 50 Cent, Mary J. Bilge, May and P. Daddy were seen sporting shirts that read Vote Or Die, encouraging voter registration. With the ongoing war, rising college costs, Juvenile and criminal Justice reform, health care and a potential military draft topping young peoples list of concerns, the recent acknowledgment of the importance of politics amongst hip-hop and its audience comes at a crucial time.The strive for political power and equality by hip-hop can be compared to the civil rights movement with artist like Kenya West and P. Daddy serving as Dry. King. Already a major cultural and economic force, hip-hop has created its own small power elite that have access to the things politics and politicians are drawn to most: money, celebrity, and the influence both generate (Watkins 146). With hip-hop becoming the voice of Generation X or Y, it is important that hip-hop makes it stake in the political arena.The idea that hip-hop is ready to make a bigger mark on the world, sets the stage for the most important struggle, a struggle within hip-hop to define its political calling. At the core of hip- hop is a debate about how it can regain a sense of responsibility and commitment to its overwhelmingly, diverse youth fan base. The will to translate hip-hops momentum into a catalyst for social change represents a noteworthy moment in hip- hop (Watkins 151).Looking at hip-hop on the political scale it is very beneficial that the hip-hop culture has become a factor in the political arena. Considering that hip- hop has become the voice of the younger generation it is essential that this voice be represented politically. By doing so allows the youth of the nation the opportunity to have a say so on what political issues will affect them as they become older adults. Furthermore, the results of hip-hop becoming a dominant culture force in politics, and marketing has served hip-hop in a positive way.By becoming a marketing tool hip-hops grabbed the attention of companies, which makes companies more aware of hip-hop and hip-hop trends. That way companies can gear their products and services in a way that will be beneficial to the hip-hop lifestyle. And, the results of hip-hop emerging on the political scene as an important factor has been extremely beneficial to hip-hop. This is because hip-hop is the voice of the younger generation, generation whose votes will pave the way of where America is headed over the next 30 years.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Essay about PT CAP CitiBankAccount
Essay about PT CAP CitiBankAccount Essay about PT CAP CitiBankAccount There’s only one thing you need to help manage your fees. The facts. Citibank Account Package: Summary of Common Fees and Features Account Opening and Usage Minimum Deposit Needed to Open Account $0 Monthly Service Fee Waived When Requirements Are Met $20* $0 Pays Interest Yes for Interest Checking; No for Regular Checking Citibank ATM Fee $0 Get cash with no surcharge fee through our network of 34,000 ATMs in the U.S. Locate one near you at Non-Citibank ATM Fee $2.50 or waived Per withdrawal fee for using a Non-Citibank ATM. Waived if combined average monthly balance requirements are met. (No fee for Citibank transfers or balance inquires). Other banks may assess a third party ATM surcharge fee Deposited Check Returned Unpaid $12 Per check you deposit that is returned unpaid Stop Payment Fee $30 Per item you ask to stop payment on For Debit Card Purchases and ATM Withdrawals $0 If you do not have available funds to cover a debit card purchase or ATM transaction, we will decline the transaction at no cost to you. Fee will not be assessed more than 4 times per day when you do not have enough funds in your account. There are two types of fees: For Checks, ACH Debits, Service Fees or other transactions Overdraft Policies Waived if you have $15,000* in combined average monthly balances (see eligible linked products in Helpful Ways to Avoid or Reduce Fees section below) * Effective with your statement period that begins on or after January 1, 2015, the monthly service fee will increase to $25 and effective January 1, 2015, the average monthly balance to waive the monthly service fee and Non-Citibank ATM fee will be decreased to $10,000. Overdraft Fee (paid despite insufficient funds) Insufficient Funds Fee Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee (If you are enrolled in our Checking Plus line of credit or Safety Check linked checking to savings overdraft protection program) The order in which your deposits and withdrawals are processed $34 $34 An overdraft fee occurs when we pay the item despite insufficient funds An insufficient funds fee occurs when we do not pay the item $10 For each day we transfer funds to cover an overdraft in your checking account through your Checking Plus line of credit, linked savings account or money market account Transfer amount is a minimum of $100 or rounded up to the nearest $100 to cover the overdrawn balance and $10 overdraft protection transfer fee (i.e., if you overdraw your checking account by $52, we will transfer $100. If you overdraw your account by $225, we will transfer $300). Generally they are processed as follows: First: Deposits made before the cut-off time are added to your account balance Second: Transactions received real: ATM, debit PIN or teller withdrawals including cashed checks; transfers or Citibank Online bill payments initiated by you, debit card purchases at a merchant and most ACH debits* that we receive throughout the day Third: Fees for services we provide that have not already been debited from your account are deducted from your available balance Fourth: Checks presented for payment and any ACH debit* not deducted during the day are deducted from your remaining available balance in the order of lowest to highest dollar amount *ACH (Automated Clearing House) debits are received electronically through a merchant you have instructed to bill your checking account - i.e., for your utility or phone bill. Your Deposits and Withdrawals When your deposits to your checking account become available Cash Deposit with Teller Generally available immediately on same business day of deposit Cash Deposit at ATM Generally available immediately, but no later than next business day after the business day of deposit Check Deposit with Teller Generally available immediately on same business day of
Monday, February 24, 2020
Final exam quesiton 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Final exam quesiton 2 - Essay Example Moreover, this resulted in the decline of the importance of family that was considered sacred in the Indian traditions. There was also a decrease in the importance of the family, whereby young people began making important life choices, which were previously made by their parents. For instance, parents made decisions such as who to marry, and where to work for their Indian children. The world war two also played an important social role in that, the war set families in motion, dragging them out of farmsteads and out of small towns and relocating them into large urban areas such as New Delhi. Were it not for this war, many Indians would still be living in rural areas and some high levels of developments would not have been attained. Moreover, in my opinion, the Second World War affected greatly the racial discrimination, which existed prior to the war. This happened in that the different races, people of Indian origin and Americans integrated in the war for a common objective. Previously, the marines excluded the Indians where they were used as
Saturday, February 8, 2020
E-Commerce Business Model Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
E-Commerce Business Model - Assignment Example The main objective of the e-commerce organisation is to attract online customers and to increase the sales (SportsDirect, 2013). The following image will show screen-print of SportsDirect: SportsDirect follows Business-to-Consumer (B2C) business model. There are significant differences between Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) customers. Concerning B2C customers, it involves business transactions between organisations and customers. The basic concept behind this business model is that e-retailers can sell the products to the customers through various tools such as internet shops or telemarketing. On the other hand, in B2B business model, both purchasers and sellers are business organisations. The purchasing procedure in B2C and B2B is also dissimilar. In B2C, the purchasing method is simple where customers use their credit or debit cards along with providing other necessary information in order to make a sale. Conversely, in B2B business model, the payment can be done through invoice, especially for bulk purchases (Barkley & et. al., 2007). There is substantially more stake in sales opportunities in B2B websites in comparison to B2C websites. However, it can be observed that several B2B websites had faced bad customer experiences than B2C websites. Majority of B2B websites focus on designing websites for themselves rather than for the suitability of customers. Thus, this attitude creates a hindrance in the way of potential customers who use internet in order to discover organisations which can satisfy their requirements. However, it is worth mentioning that internet had significantly altered the relationship between organisations and customers where majority of interactions are demand oriented (BusinessWire, 2006). The quick development of collaborative internet services has resulted in a continually increasing number of e-commerce websites. With the increase in e-commerce
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Operations Management in Daimond Manufacturing Essay Example for Free
Operations Management in Daimond Manufacturing Essay Definition Operation Management is the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver goods and services (Slack et al, 2010). These activities commences from the very initial production stage of information gathering right up to the final stage of consumer consumption of the product. Every organization does operation management even if they do not notice it. All organizations produce goods and/or services and to create goods and/or services, the organization must perform a number of operations which must be effectively and efficiently managed. 1. 2 Role of Operations Management Operations Management is of prime importance in all sectors, cells, functions, units and groups within the organization. An organization is a system and according to the business dictionary, (http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/system. html) a system is ‘An organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc. ). These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain their activity and the existence of the system, in order to achieve the goal of the system’. Read more: http://www. usinessdictionary. com/definition/system. html#ixzz2QSyXAP1f . All employees are part of this system and have a common interest in making the consumer to receive goods and/or services in the best way possible. So I will say every manager in every part of the organization is to some extent an operational manager. According to James (2011), the role of operations manag ement is to manage the transformation of an organization’s inputs into finished goods and services using processes. Processes are actually present in all areas of the organization from Human Resource to Finance to Marketing to Procurement etc. 1. The ‘Input – Transformation – Output’ process Resources can either be transforming resources or transformed resources. After the transformation process is complete, transforming resources give rise to transformed resources. According to James (2011), there are 2 main types of transforming resources: * Facility which comprises of land, building, plant and equipment. * Staff which comprises of everyone involved in the operation process. There are 3 main types of transformed resources: * Material. Transformation can be physical (manufacturing), by location (transportation), by storage (warehousing), or by ownership (retail). Information. Transformation can be by property (accountant’s information), by p ossession (market research), by storage (libraries) or by location (telecommunication). * Customer. Transformation can either be physical (plastic surgery), by storage (hotel accommodation), by location (airline transport), by physiological state (hospital), or by psychological state (entertainment). Input Output Input that will be transformed * Material * Information * Customer Input that will transform * People * Facility * Goods * Services Transformation Input Output Input that will be transformed * Material * Information * Customer Input that will transform * People * Facility * Goods * Services Transformation Figure 1: The ‘Input-Transformation-Output’ process 2 Operations Strategy 2. 1 Definition Strategy is defined by Johnson et al, (2008) as ‘the direction and scope of an organization over the long term: ideally, which matches its resources to its changing environment and in particular its markets, customers or clients so as to meet stakeholder expectations. ’ 3. 2 Levels of Strategy Strategy can be viewed from 3 levels which are: The Corporate level: This level looks at the long term position of the company. It answers questions like ‘where will the organization be in 10 years? Or are we going to launch a new product in a new market? ’ The Business level: This level looks at the market and is concerned with the goods and services which the organization has to offer. It answers questions like ‘how do we compete? ’ The Functional level: This level deals with the functional aspect of the organization like finance, marketing, human resource etc. It answers questions like ‘how do we manage our financial resources’. . 3 Operations Strategy Operations strategy is the total pattern of decisions which shape the long-term capabilities of any operation and their contribution to overall strategy, through the reconciliation of market requirements with operations resources (Slack and Lewis, 2011). A 5 step structure has been designed by Hill (2005) so as to design and understand a goo d operation strategy. The steps are as follows: 1. Define Corporate Objectives Here, long term objectives are set-up so as to give the company balance and a good direction. At this stage, Sparkle does environmental scanning and the company also looks at its core competences, core processes and its global objectives. Performance Indicators (KPIs) are also established here so as monitor the accomplishment of these objectives. Top management uses a number of models which includes PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s 5 forces. See appendix A. 2. Set Marketing Strategies Here Sparkle identifies the market it wants to compete in and then it looks on how to compete in these markets. Ansoff’s matrix is used. | New Product| Existing Product| NewMarket| Diversification| Market Development| Existing Market| Product Development| Market Penetration/ Market Growth| Figure 5: Ansoff Matrix. Source: Kaplan Financial Ltd, 2008. Sparkle uses the market penetration/market growth pathway for now. With time, they will start manufacturing out of the UK thus implementing the market development strategy. It is yet not known if they are thinking of one day starting up the production of a new product. 3. How do we gain competitive advantage? At this stage of Hill’s structure, the organization is to find ways to make its product win other products in the market. For this to happen, the organization must have a base to make its competition and this base is usually one or more of the following performance objectives: speed, quality, cost, dependability and flexibility. See chapter 3. Sparkle uses the above performance objectives to gain competitive advantage but it must be noted that, competitive advantage must: * Be real * Add value (to the consumer) and * Be difficult to imitate. 4. Choose a delivery system Here, the organization has to choose an appropriate delivery system so as to meet up with speed and maybe dependability. In Sparkle, most orders are icked up by the customer but if not, Sparkle uses their vans which have a high level of security for close distances or they post the jewelry for faraway distances. 5. Choose your Infrastructure The company at this phase has to choose all necessary infrastructures that it has to obtain so as to gain an edge over its competitors in the market. Different organizations in different industries wi ll need different types of infrastructures. But in the diamond manufacture industry, the infrastructures are almost the same and can hardly give competitive advantage. 3 Performance Objectives In the present congested and very competitive business environment, companies must do something extra so as to stand out of the crowd. For them to do this, they must react to what customers value and these fall into the following category. They are called performance objectives. 1. Cost 2. Quality 3. Dependability 4. Reliability 5. Speed Sparkle is aware of the tight competition in the diamond market and it takes its performance objectives very seriously so as to gain competitive advantage. Before achieving the above performance objectives, they must achieve the 4 Cs (see appendix B). * Cost. The principle of cost is doing things cheaply. Sparkle changes its processes, its materials and its suppliers every now and then so as to operate on a lower cost scale. They buy rough diamonds directly from the companies who buy them from the mine and sometimes the make orders directly from the mine so as to reduce cost because the more intermediaries there are, the higher the final price. They sometimes buy more rough diamonds than what the actually need so as to gain discount for bulk buying. They automate most of their processes to reduce the number of hours worked by human beings thus reducing total wages. Quality. This involves producing durable high standard error-free goods that consumers perceived to the good. In the fashion business, quality is king because consumers are becoming more conscious of what they wear. One can say that everything in the diamond industry is of good quality so in this kind of high standard industry, quality is not the issue but superb quality. Spark le buys the best of the rough stones which are hand-picked one after the other so that their final product will be of the best quality and they will have very little waste during production. * Dependability. This is doing everything on time so as to keep commitments and promises made to customers. Sparkle has a track record and reputation of never keeping its customers waiting. Customers’ diamonds are always fully processed before the pick-up date. Customers love coming to this organization because they know they can rely on them when it comes to delivery. There was a scandal in March 2008 in Real Diamonds where a couple arrange for their wedding rings costing thousands of pounds to be manufactured but the company was unable to meet up with the due date so the couple had to use different rings for the wedding. Flexibility. This is being able to change what you produce or how you produce it. Sparkle is very flexible in regards to their products because they produce apparently anything requested by the customer. We pride ourselves on being different, you won’t find our jewelry just anywhere, we appreciate that you want something special to you (Source: sparlediamonds. com/abo ut). They manufacture dressing rings, marriage rings, engagement rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bangles and designers jewelry out of diamond. Over the years, they have come up with different diamond designs thought by others as impossible and have now gained a name as being the company that uses diamond to manufacture anything and everything. On the other hand, their production process is flexible too but not very flexible. They change little bits of their production process all the time to cut down cost and to increase the quality of the diamonds but this change is never a big change (process improvement). Figure 5: Different items made out of diamond. Source: * Speed. This can be described as how responsive an organization is to the customers’ demands and complain. It is a measure of the time between a customer’s order or complain to the time when that customer’s order or complain is sorted out fully. Sparkle is very fast in dealing with complains. Any customer who comes to the company with a complaint is not allowed to leave when the matter concerned has not been resolved. Complains made online take a maximum of 2 working days to be dealt with and those by post takes a little more time. Figure 5: Different colors of diamond. Source: 4 Product Design . 1 Definition Product/service design is the process of defining the specification of products and/or services in order for them to fulfill a specific market need (Slack et al, 2009). According to Russell and Taylor (2009), new product designs can provide a competitive edge by bringing new ideas to the market quickly, doing a better job of satisfying customers’ needs, or be ing easier to manufacture, use and repair. Product design is of great importance in any organization because consumers are becoming more and more conscious of the products they consume and their contents. Almost everybody in the organization is involved in product design because bringing in a new product design is not just about the market requirement but it is also about anticipating future demand and this needs imagination and creativity. In coming out with a good product design, market requirements, technical issues, cost, quality, investment information and the target market must be considered and dealt with appropriately. Diamond design ‘step by step’ Various steps are followed when coming out with a good diamond design. 1. Generating Ideas Ideas to bring up a new diamond designs can come from anywhere and comes from everywhere. Some organizations look only within the organization and come up with a diamond design but this approach is very dangerous because it can easily back fire leading to a poor design. Ideas in Sparkle usually come from: * The customers who will use the product. Most at times, the customer comes to the organization with a design in mind. The design team in the organization then sits with the customer and adds ideas to perfect the customer’s request. * The employees who serve the customers. These groups of persons know exactly what customers wants because they are the people who take customers specifications, demands and complaints. They play an important role in the creation of a new design. * Competitors and any new technology. Sparkle sometimes looks at the designs of its competitors like Avi Paz and tries to modify it so as to create something better than theirs. * Research and Development (Ramp;D) Department. One of their major roles in the organization is to look for new possible designs which will entice customers. It is at this stage that the diamond color, size, weight, cut grade, clarity grade, carat weight, laser inscription and shape is decided. Figure 4: Computer simulated diamond designing in progress. Source: www. sparklediamonds. com 2. Product Screening According to Slack et al (2009), not all concepts and ideas generated will be capable of being developed into products and/or services. Each idea generated is taken and examined to see whether or not they are acceptable, feasible and vulnerable. Fig 5 illustrates. Figure 5| Some typical evaluation questions for marketing, operations and finance. | Evaluation Criteria| Marketing| Operations| Finance| Feasibility| Is the market likely to be big enough? | Do we have capabilities to produce it? Do we have access to sufficient finance to develop and launch it? | Acceptability| How much market share could it gain? | How much will we have to reorganize our activities to produce it? | How much financial return will there be on our investment? | Vulnerability| What is the risk of it failing in the market place? | What is the risk of us being able to produce it acceptable? | How much money could we lose if things do not go as planned? | Fi g 5: Slack et al (2009) Some typical evaluation questions for marketing, operations and finance [e-book] p. 89 3. Preliminary Design At this stage, the design is reviewed by the cutters and polishers to see if the can really produce the diamond and any unnecessary complexity in the diamond’s design is eliminated because such complexities can build cost. For example; there are some unnecessary and unnoticed cuts in a diamond’s design but these cuts could split the whole diamond if not done carefully. Because customers will not even notice the additional cuts and even if they do, they will not be willing to pay an addition for it so the cuts are eliminated. Figure 4: Different diamond designs (drawing). Source: Figure 4: Different diamond designs. Source: 4. Final Design After all the above has been done, a prototype is then created out of glass and tested to see if it meets market requirements, technical requirements and the financial limit. Tangible prototypes are created and virtual (computer simulations) model too to properly assess the diamond before production goes any further. Sometimes, customers are called in to see the prototype and give their feedback from which some adjustments may be made on the product’s design. An after acceptance, diamond cutting commences. Figure 5: Prototype diamond made out of fine glass. Source: 5 Process Design 5. 1 Definition Process design is Sequence of interdependent and linked procedures which, at every stage, consume one or more resources (employee time, energy, machines, money) to convert inputs (data, material, parts, etc. ) into outputs. These outputs then serve as inputs for the next stage until a known goal or end result is reached (www. businessdictionary. com). Read more: http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/process. tml#ixzz2QTQAtoBi When deciding a product design, it is advisable to simultaneously come up with a matching process design. This will entail the flow of the process and Barnes (2008) said that the design of processes is different in all organizations and these designs will be based on the volume and variety of the demand for the product in the market. He further categorized the processes under project, jobbing, batch, line and conti nuous. Types of Processes There are different production processes namely project, jobbing, batch, line and continuous. See Appendix C. Sparkle is in a business of very expensive products which are very small in size so they do jobbing. Customers usually give orders which are produced by the company (make to order). They usually hold little or no fully-processed inventory. The Production Process Diamond ore is sorted by density using X-rays. Before that technology became available, grease belts were used to separate diamonds from the rest of the ore, due to the diamonds greater tendency than other minerals to stick to grease. Rough diamonds are then set to be cut as gemstones in the cutting laboratory. A diamond has different cuts and different professional specialize on different cuts. This is the most daunting task of diamond production because a bad cut will cost the company a fortune. Figure 5: Diamond plan before cutting. Source Cutting produces the facets associated with a diamond. The angles of the facets maximize light, giving the diamond its greatest possible luster (dispersion of white light). The cutting process can take as much as 50% of a rough diamonds weight. Figure 5: Illustration of diamond facets. Source: A number of factors come into play when deciding how a diamond should be cut. X-rays are employed to analyze the stones crystallographic structure, its hardness and ability to cleave. The diamonds flaws are considered, and the cutter decides which to remove and which can remain. Either a hammer or a diamond saw can be used to split the diamond – the hammer is quicker, but the saw is surer. Figure 5: Diamond cutting. Source: A number of institutes in the diamond industry offer courses for diamond cutters, but the bulk and most crucial part of the training for this delicate trade take place during the cutters apprenticeship. A diamond may get its final cut from many skilled hands: the diamond marker or designer; the diamond sawyer; the diamond cutter or brute; the cross-worker; and the brillianteer. After the initial cutting, diamonds undergo the polishing stages, usually performed by a technician as the process is a standard one. Polished diamonds are reexamined for flaws, which can be addressed through enhancement techniques or disguised when set in jewelry. Figure 5: Diamond Polishing. Source: Finally, the polished diamonds are sold to individuals, retailers, wholesalers and jewelry shops. Figure 5: Diamond quality check. Source 6 Planning, Control ;amp; Innovation In any good type of project or manufacture to be successful, it must be planned at the very beginning and at the end, it has to be controlled to make sure that the planned processes and cost is not very different from the actual. Businesses must also continuously innovate so as to move line to line with the changing tastes of consumers and to beat numerous designs from competitors. 6. 1 Planning Eur says this about planning â€Å"It lists the phases and encapsulates all the main parameters, standards and requirements of the project in terms of time, cost and quality/performance by setting out the ‘Why’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘Who’, ‘Where’, and ‘How’, of the project. †Planning therefore looks at the entire process, product and project but in an imaginary form which has not yet happened but it is wished that it should happen that way. 6. 1. 1 Advantages of Planning 1. It gives direction of what has to be done and how it has to be done. 2. It assigns responsibilities on every person thus answering â€Å"Who does what? 3. A good plan will see problems a project, product or process will encounter before the problem strikes. 4. A plan helps us to manage cost, quality and design side by side with the profit we will want to make on the product. 5. Plans are used to assess how well a product, process, p roject or person has done. 6. 1. 2 Disadvantages of Planning 1. It is usually made up by top management and given to the employees down the management ladder who just follow it. 2. Plans are usually followed to the latter. Even when some changes have to done, it is not because a plan is being followed. 3. Plans are usually just estimates and it has no use in turbulent economic environments as the plan and the actual are usually very different. 6. 2 Control Control involves measuring the actual results against the plan and then taking action to adjust actual performance so that it moves in line with the plan. So in other words, control is only possible when we have a plan. Control has a feedback phase and this involves adjusting the actual to move in line with the plan or reporting differences between actual and budget so that there may be no such discrepancies in the future. 6. 3 Innovation Innovation is defined by the oxford dictionary as â€Å"changing something established by introducing new methods, ideas or products. †Just like there is no control where there is no plan, there is no innovation where there is no control. They all rely on one another. After control has been done, feedback is sent back and improvement or innovation is made. But in the complex business environment operating now, innovation just not just come from within the company but from outside the company like from competitors and especially from the consumers due to the rapid change in customers taste, design and fashion. In the diamond manufacture industry, there are many different innovative ways manufacturing diamonds and Sparkle has had the following innovations: 1. The Supercut design Sparkle has introduced the innovative supercut design into the industry: a patented ideal emerald cut, with more than twice the facets of a traditional Emerald – providing unparalleled brilliance and fire. The culmination of three years of research, the supercut gives extraordinary brilliance and reflection and this innovation gives Sparkle competitive advantage in terms of having good designs with extraordinary glittering. 2. Precision cutting Since 2010, Sparkle has brought in a technology of cutting the diamonds using computer software and this cut is so exact that less than 0. 000002% waste is created from diamond cutting. Waste use to be about 0. 5% during diamond cutting and this innovation has caused drastic cost saving making Sparkle to be more competitive in terms of cost. 3. Sparkle offers a wide range of jewelry manufacturing processes, including design, modeling, prototyping, grooving, setting, finishing and meticulous quality control; all featuring our own fine diamonds, and designed for clients to sell under their private labels. . 4 The ‘Planning – Control – Innovation’ Cycle. From the above notes, it can be seen that planning, control and innovation work together. Sparkle’s cycle looks like this. Plan Procurement of unrefined stones. Process the stones into fine diamond. Sell and make a reasonable gain. Actual Procurement of unrefined stones. Process the stones into fine dia mond. Sell and make a reasonable gain. Control Looks at the difference between what was planned and what actually happened. External Information Customer specific design New tastes and fashion Design from competitors Market Research (Ramp;D) Feedback and Innovation Plan Procurement of unrefined stones. Process the stones into fine diamond. Sell and make a reasonable gain. Actual Procurement of unrefined stones. Process the stones into fine diamond. Sell and make a reasonable gain. Control Looks at the difference between what was planned and what actually happened. External Information Customer specific design New tastes and fashion Design from competitors Market Research (Ramp;D) Feedback and Innovation Figure 7. The ‘planning-control-innovation’ cycle. 6. Changes happening in the diamond industry. * Researchers are on the verge of bringing in new materials which reflect light better than diamond and these materials are stronger and more durable than diamond. But, they will be far cheaper than diamonds and this is going to be a big problem to diamond manufacturers as the demand for diamond will surely drop. An example is synthetic stones. * In response to growing concern over illicit trade in conflict or blood diamonds, the United Nations General Assembly established the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme in 2003. This scheme is going to make sure of the source of every single diamond so as to ensure that they are from a genuine source. This happening will increase the price of diamond because more than 55% of diamonds are from Africa and the mines there are operated by very cheap labor and sometimes by slaves, women and children. The UN will come in and stop this practice thus increasing the cost of labor, working conditions and ultimately the price for diamonds. 7 Quality Management Quality is one of the performance objectives and it is taken very seriously by all organizations because if achieved, may give them competitive advantage. Some organizations rely on quality more than others and the fashion and health industry takes quality as primary considering the fact that people want to look good and in good health. Quality is a matter of perception so what can be called quality for A might not necessarily be called quality for B. According to Garvin (1984), the attributes in quality for a product are: * Performance * Features * Reliability * Conformance * Durability * Serviceability * Aesthetics * Other perceptions Parasuraman et al. (1985), on the other hand listed 5 attributes in defining what is quality of a service? nd they are: * Reliability – Are we always going to get on time delivery? * Responsiveness – Are the always going to respond quickly to our demands and complaints? * Assurance – Are we assured of their competence? * Empathy – Does the organization feel and understand customers’ needs and concerns? * Tangibles – Is the physical surrounding conducive? 7. 1 Qu ality in the Organization But in relation to Sparkle, the best definition of quality is that as per Slack et al. (2009) â€Å"quality is consistent conformance to customers’ expectation†and I will say and even surpassing those expectations. Sparkle uses total quality management as their quality management technique. They look for means and ways to maintain and continuously improve quality at each stage of the production process. All employees meet once a month to discuss on how to improve the organization’s present performance. Books by Deming, Crosby, Juran, Hill and other total quality management gurus are in the company’s library and research department for employees to read and be motivated to contribute into the organization’s performance. All employees are made to know that quality and customer’s requirements being met comes before any other thing. The organization has a suggestion box where employees can write any inspiring idea that comes in mind and this box is emptied every day and read by the research staff and it is summarized and sent to the manager examine. 7. 2 The Cost of Quality Quality has a cost which is like a double-edged sword meaning that good quality will have a cost and bad quality will also have a cost. 7. 2. 1 The Cost of Good Quality This is also known as the cost of quality assurance. Sparkle has a lot of this cost because they are continuously always trying to get better in quality all over the organization so as to better serve customers’ needs. The cost of quality assurance is further divided into prevention cost and appraisal cost. * Prevention cost is the cost of trying to make everything right on first attempt and some of this cost are: * Sparkle does not give a command for precious stones and wait for the stones to come. They go to the supplier’s premises and pick the stones one after the other and not in groups to ensure the best stones are taken. The supplier charges more for this. * The cost of designing the jewelry in a computer automated system and running several checks with other very expensive bespoke software before the design is confirmed. Sparkle trains its employees every 6 months and buys books to update them on new technologies and to keep their skills up and awake. * All employees are taught a wide variety of skills so that if a certain employee is not available to do a specific thing, there will always be another to do it. * Appraisal cost is concerned with controlling quality and this is achieved by testing the process before the product is manufactured and testing the product before it gets to the customer. Some of these costs are: * The cost incurred in testing all equipment, machines and ensuring staffs are fit and able before any diamond is processed. The cost of checking the diamond after manufacture by employees and with the use of a computer aided personalized software which is very expensive to make sure that the diamonds are flawless. * The time spent in testing the diamonds ensuring the pass all the set of test before and after manufacture. 7. 2. 2 The Cost of Bad Quality All organizations including Sparkle wants to evade this cost because it is very dangerous and it can even bring down the entire organization in a blink of an eye. The cost of bad quality is divied into internal failure cost and external failure cost. Internal failure cost is cost incurred before the product reaches the customer. Some of this cost are: * The cost of scrap. Diamonds are very expens ive so any little scrap of badly shaped diamond is worth a whole lot. So Sparkle makes sure the best quality diamond is procured and diamond cutting should be not less than perfect. * The cost of reshaping ill-shaped diamonds and gluing broken once. * The resources lost in repairing diamonds. Labor, machine time, and electricity are used which should have if the diamonds were made right the first time. External failure cost arises after the product has been received by the customer and some of this cost include: * The cost listening to customer complaints and responding to them. * The cost of replacing a defective diamond which a customer has rejected. This can cause the organization a fortune. * The customer might have to take the company to court and the organization will pay a huge sum if the lost the lawsuit. Some compensation may run to millions of pounds and could bring the organization to its end. * One of the most dangerous costs is that which we don’t see. An example is the lost sale and contribution. When a customer is dissatisfied, he will most at times not want to come back and he will discourage a potential customer who will discourage another customer to come to us. Saying all this, quality should be treated like an egg in the midst of rocks. 8 Supply Chain Management 8. 1 Definition Supply Chain is the management of the interconnection of organizations that relate to each other through upstream and downstream linkages between the processes that produce value to the ultimate consumer in the form of products and services (Slack et al. 2010). A supply chain is a holistic network starting from the sourcing of material, through its transportation to the organization’s premises, to manufacturing, to storage and warehousing and finally to consumers. So it is a whole system and it works as one therefore is one part of the chain is broken, the whole system will fall apart and consumers’ will not be satisfied. 8. 2 Sparkleâ⠂¬â„¢s Supple Chain Stage 1 Sparkle’s supply chain starts from the diamond mines in Africa which produce more than 50% of total diamonds to mines in India, Russia, Canada and Australia. The mines usually dug very deep but the deepest diamond mine runs for about 160km passing through sand, rocks, and gravel to be blasted drilled, crushed and processed. It should be noted that only 20% of diamonds from mines can be polised and used for jewelry; the rest is used for industrial use. The stones picked here are very rough still with no beauty (see figure 10). Stage 2 Companies and independent buyers go to these mines and buy the rough stones from the mine owners and take them to their premises for processing. These stones are then processed to make them a little bit more presentable so that diamond manufacturers can then buy them and further process them into diamonds. Diamonds at this stage looks like that in figure 11. Figure 8: Trapping stones to look for diamonds in an African mine. Source: Figure 9: A typical unprocessed diamond. Source: Figure 10: Unprocessed diamonds directly from the mine. Source Figure 11: Diamonds which have been slightly processed. Source: Stage 3 Sparkle buys the diamonds in fig. 11 and examines them with the use of a computer aided personalized software. After a series of checks, rejected diamonds will be sent back to the suppliers and the good ones will be cut into different shapes so as to give the greatest value. After cutting, the diamond goes through computer aided software to confirm its perfection and after this, it is polished and cleaned. Sparkle will also buy what the diamonds are going to be fitted on because people will scarcely buy a chunk of diamond. Diamonds are usually fitted on rings, pens, earrings, belts and many more (see figure 14). These things are usually bought from top manufacturers with good design and quality and they are usually very expensive. Figure12: Diamond cutting in Sparkle. Source: Figure 13: Diamond polishing in Sparkle Source: Stage 4 After polishing and the diamond have an unblemished shine, shape and color, it is then taken by the customers. Some of the customers ordered just a few and sometimes even just one special diamond while other big customers like jewelry shops order bigger quantities at ones. It is either Sparkle delivers the diamond to the place agreed by the customer or the customer comes to the organization’s site on an agreed date and after a phone call to pick up the diamond. The supply chain ends after the diamond has reached the customer. Figure 14: Finished diamond ready for the customer. Source: Figure 15: Diamonds bought by jewelry shops. Source: The Mine The Cutting Company Polishing Customers Jewelry Shops Manufacturing The Mine The Cutting Company Polishing Customers Jewelry Shops Manufacturing The supply chain of Sparkle is a good and effective. Its success can sometimes be attributed to the information technology they use. They use the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which brings in data from all sources and this is used to know when suppliers have diamonds and the variouse categories, to know when jewelry shops are running short of iamonds, and many more (all discussed in chapter 9). Figure 16: Sparkle’s Supply Chain 9 Information Systems As seen in chapter 1, â€Å"Operation Management is the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver goods and services†(Slack et al, 2010). For these activities to be properly managed, it needs the help of automated process and compu ter aided techniques. Information systems are found throughout an organization and if used well reduce costs and can be a source of gaining competitive advantage. 9. 1 Computer Aided Techniques Sparkle uses information systems in many ways in its business. Listed below are some specialized computer aided programs used. 1. They use Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) which gives an optimum layout of the cutting steps and their sequence (this is different for different diamonds). There are many diamond cutting machines and they all have different cutting styles and they are operated by specialist in the different cutting sectors. So the CAPP examines a diamond and gives different possible steps on which machine to use first and which not to use so as to minimize waste and give the diamond the best possible cuts so as reflect light in an optimal way. 2. They use Computer Aided Designs (CAD) to design the shape of diamonds on a computer and finished diamonds can actually be seen even before processing starts. If an error is made in the design, it can be corrected but this could have been impossible without CAD. 3. The also use Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) which takes the drawings and designs from the CAD and test them for perfection. Different test are administered and the flawlessness of a diamond can be confirmed even before manufacture. 4. Automated Material Handling (AMH) system is also used. Diamonds are very expensive and so care must be taken at each step. The AMH system improves efficiency in diamond movement, storage and retrieval. 5. The Laser Security System (LSS) is used where diamonds are kept be it rough stones, semi-processed diamonds and fully processed diamonds. Invisible laser rays crisscross the diamonds and it needs a password to be deactivated. Only top managers have the password and the password of each of them is different making it easy to know who accessed the diamond safe. If someone tries to pass through the laser rays, it can kill or paralyze them and the security alarm is automatically triggered and an automated call goes to the nearest police station. . Security Camera Systems (SCS) make use of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) at all times to monitor the whole building especially where inventory is held. 7. The Inventory Control System (ICS) gives detail information about each diamond rough, semi-processed or fully processed held in inventory at any point in time. Management must no go into the safe to see what t hey have in stock because the ICS does it all. This system is also used online to make customers see the diamonds, its specification and all other relevant information. Figure 16: The CAD system used to design a blue diamond. Source: Figure 17: The virtual version of the diamond in fig 16. Source: 9. 2 Pros and Cons of Information Technology (IT) IT is a very necessary tool in any organization be it a big or a small one. IT has advantages and disadvantages. They are listed in Appendix D including ‘Why IT cannot replace Human Beings’. 9. 3 Information Systems ‘Information system can be defined as a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization’ (Laundon amp; Laundon, 2006). Most organizations use some form of computer-based technology to accumulate, organize and distribute information’ (Ted, 2011) and Sparkle is not an exception. They use a set of interrelated information systems. 9. 3. 1 Transaction Processing System (TPS) This system is used to account for day by day transactions of Sparkle. It records all sales, purchases, expenses, income, tax, bills paid, equipment bought and all other transactions performed by organization. This system is also used to account for employee’s attendance, absences, pay, overtime, bonuses, remuneration, and all other things concerning the employees. . 3. 2 Supply Chain System (SCS) This system deals with customers and suppliers. It monitors the stock in the jewelry shops so as to know when to give the shops an offer. It monitors the stocks which are demanded more and those demanded less so as to know when to produce. It tracks frequent and valuable customers and grades them into groups so as know how to give discounts. This system also monitors the stock in the cutting companies. It looks at the new stocks and compares price side by side quality so as to know which supplier to order rough diamonds from. 9. 3. 3 Knowledge Management System (KMS) In Sparkle, all manufacturing processes are recorded and stored in the KMS. Any ideas gotten either by inspiration, customer’s requirement, employees’ suggestions or business intelligence are stored in the KMS for future use. Sparkle is said to be very innovative and has this edge over its rivals because of its mastery of the KMS. When a new employees is recruited, he has 2 weeks probation where he is taught how to operate in the organization and how processes function. Before the implementation and use of the KMS, probation was 3 months so this system has greatly reduces learning time. 9. 3. Management Information System (MIS) This system takes all the information from the above systems and summarizes them into financial statements and reports. It is used by management to make decisions on how to run and control the business. 9. 3. 5 Decision Support System (DSS) This system looks like an advance of the MIS. It takes data from all sources (internal and external) and su mmarizes them for top management to make decisions on the long term plans of the organization. Information from this system appears as statements, reports, charts, graphs, ratios, statistics and trend analysis. . 3. 6 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) This can be called the overall system. It takes information from all sources of the organization and brings them together in one large database. From there, required information is taken out and implemented or used to make decisions in Sparkle. It should be noted that all other systems deposit their information in ERP. Figure 18: Example of ERP. Source: LSBF MBA Intake 14, SOM Lecture 3, Session 9, Slide 34. 9. 6 Intranet and Extranet Sparkle uses intranets to deal with its employees and management. Staffs all have a particular passcode which the use and your code depends on your position within the company. Some passcodes can access some areas which other codes can’t. They also use extranets to communicate and share information with customers, suppliers, some competitors and the government. This system is more secured and less vulnerable to attacks as compared to the internet. 10 Job Design It is said that the blood stream of any organization is money and I will say the skeleton holding an organization and making it stand up straight is its workforce. An organization manages resources so as to be able to deliver acceptable goods and services to its customers and one of these resources is its workforce. An organization’s workforce is its most valuable and the most complicated of all its resources because unlike other resources, humans have a mind of their own. To be able to deal with human beings, you must know what they like and this is different for different people but these needs though different are similar. In providing this, it motivates the employees and when motivated, they produce better output eventually yielding higher profits, quality and flexibility. 0. 1 Motivation Motivation is the urge to take action to achieve something or to avoid something (BPP, 2010). Motivation can either be intrinsic (wanting to satisfy an internal urge like being happy to be able to help others) or extrinsic (reliant on tangible rewards like money, fame and power). Continues in Appendix E. 10. 2 Empowerment This is the act of delegati ng work to employees making them feel more superior because of the added responsibility and new accountability. This is good motivation for many employees. ‘Job design is about how people carry out their tasks within a process. It defines the way they go about their working lives. It positions the expectations of what is required of them, and it influences their perceptions of how they contribute to the organization. It also defines their activities in relation to their work colleagues and it channels the flows of communication between different parts of the operation. But, of most importance, it helps to develop the culture of the organization – its shared values, beliefs and assumptions’ (Slack, 2009). In designing any job, the following have to be put into consideration. * Safety. Jobs should be design in a way that it will bring no harm to the employee be it physical, psychological, mental or emotional harm. Workers in the mines especially those in Africa are exposed to a lot of risk and still earn less than the minimum wage. The mine owners wanting to make more profits cut down on cost by reducing expenditure on employees’ safety. The employees of Sparkle all have safety equipment like hats and new ideas are being implemented to make the process safer. The organization has also fully insured its entire staff. * Legal and Ethical Issues. Jobs should be design in such a manner that those doing the job will not go against the law or their code of ethics. * Own time. Job design should create time for the employees to catch up on something other than work. For example visiting new places, being with their families or performing other social activities. Employees working in the mines have little of this, but Sparkle’s employees all have right to a paid holiday and taking permission to be out of work if the need arises. * Employee’s Ability. An employee’s ability to do the job or a range of task should be considered before designing the job. For example; only heavy built men carry cargo from the trucks into the warehouse because of their physical ability to carry heavy weight unlike their colleagues. * Wage and Benefits: In designing any job, the wage and benefits to be paid for the job should be considered if not the employee can be over-paid or under-paid for the job. 10. 3 Division of Labor Unlike traditional production approaches that stipulated that one person should know everything in the company so that he can serve any function, Henry Ford came in with the idea that one man should only know one thing and should be an expert in that thing. He suggested that with specializing in a particular function, the whole organization will be specialized and will give the best quality goods and services. So jobs should be broken down into smaller portions and given to different individuals who will specialize and bring forth quality cost-effective products. 10. 3. 1 Advantages of Division of Labor (Slack, 2009) * It is easier to learn. Short and simple tasks are easier to learn compared with long and complex tasks. This will be very advantageous when training new recruits because training will take a shorter time and it will be better mastered. Automating. Short and simple task are easily automated as compared to long and complex task. * Time. More time is spent on one long task compare to time if that task was broken down. This extra time is as a result of picking different tools up and putting them down, looking for equipment, thinking of what to do next etc. 10. 3. 2 Disadvantages of Division of Labor (Slack, 2009) * Monotony. The same small task will be repeated every hour, week, month and year. This will make the job boring and less fulfilling thus resulting to absenteeism, staff turnover and errors. Over-reliance. If one employee is absent, no other will be able to perform his duty and this may bring the whole production process to a halt. * No flexibility. Employees let to do one particular thing over the years turn to lose the skill of being able to learn another thing. So if the production process was to change, many employees will not be able to cope with learning how to perform a new task. * Physical Injury. The repetitive use of one part of your body let’s say arm or wrist will in the long run cause pain to that part. This is known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Sparkle teaches their employees a wide range of task during their probation but the employees are assigned to do just one thing when they fully start work. Teaching them a wide range of task is to expose them to the processes of the whole organization so that they can contribute ideas in the development of a department or process which does not involve them. Another reason for giving employees holistic training is to make an employee being able to do an absent employee’s work. This tactic was also implemented because the organization did not want an employee to feel indispensable. 0. 4 Job Design Approaches In coming out with a good job designing, the following approaches should be implemented:- 1. Job Simplification: The organization tries to the range of task and their complexities. Polishing diamond use to be a very complex task at Sparkle but with the introduction of DiamondShines TM a specialized software where diamond polishing is programmed with exact details. 2. Job Ro tation: This is periodically interchanging employees performing different task to do the task of the other. Sparkle does a lot of job rotation and this makes the employees’ job more exciting. Job rotation is successful in this organization because they train their employees to perform a number of task but if division of labor was strictly implemented, this approach could have been impossible because employee A will not have a clue of employees B’s task. 3. Job Enlargement: This involves integrating same level tasks to the ones already performed by the employees to make the job more exciting. This is not practiced in Sparkle. 4. Job Enrichment: This involves integrating different level tasks to the ones performed by the employees. The new tasks are usually higher level tasks giving employees more responsibility and decision making power. Sparkle once a week picks an employee randomly and gives him the power of a supervisory manager so as to see the changes and innovations he is going to bring to the organization. Sparkle also makes employees work in small teams and the organization creates a competitive strain amongst the teams. The competition amongst the teams brings a lot of hard work, efficiency and effectiveness.
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